Tubiteho campaign
After more than a decade operating, Tubiteho day center, a center for mentally disabled children was in need of expansion. The number of children in the center had surpassed its infrastructures capacity and it was obvious that expansion was a necessity if the center was to continue operating and yet the resources available could barely help the center carry its day to day activities let alone an expansion.
The number of children in the center was so high that there was need for more teachers to respond to the children’s needs while the center’s only bus for transport of the children from their homes to the center was no longer effective due to the number of children scattered in long distances from each other, it took a long time to reach each child during the morning and as hard during the evening dropping them back home.
In addition, the directors of the center confessed having trouble making the public aware of the importance of supporting children with mental disabilities. “Sometimes even the parents of the children did not believe that their children could be active members of the society and it is hard to convince them that disability is not inability”
Rwanda We Want Organization supported Tubiteho day center by mobilizing over 100 youth to volunteer in community work to help in the construction of the center’s new buildings. The following year, we organized an awareness campaign for the inclusion of mentally disabled children and organized a fundraising event that generated over one million Rwandan francs(1.000.000Rwf) which went directly to the center to help with its day to day activities and expansion. The occasion also allowed the children in the center to share their activities at school and have fun with other youth.

Tubiteho day center now has classrooms capable of accommodating a large number of children; it has increased the number of teachers in the center to better respond to the children’s needs and has an improved transport system for the children going to and back from school.