According to indexmundi, the average age in Rwanda is 19 years (male: 18.3yrs and female:19.8yrs); when you break it down, it becomes; 0-14 years: 41.38% 15-24 years: 19.34% 25-54 years: 32.77% 55-64 years: 4.09% 65 years and over: 2.43%.
This only means that Rwanda has a lot of youth. This can be a good and bad thing at the same time; good, for there is a lot of young blood which means more energy, and bad, for there is less experience at such young age.
This country’s leadership has become a copybook to the entire World, and this impeccable work is being done by the parents of the youth, making it a huge shoe to fill for the young ones. As said earlier, experience occupies a bigger slice of the pie chart of this country’s future leadership concerns, but the good news is that Rwanda We want organization that deals with youth empowerment, figured out that experience is gained through exercising. It is in that regard that it organized a public speaking competition within E.S Gasiza located in Rulindo District and G.S Kacyiru II located in Gasabo district, for public speaking is a vital tool for a leader, and Rwanda We Want organization wants the youth to be ready when their time comes. This competition’s theme was: “My Community, My Concern, My Solution”.
This competition’s participants were 64 from both schools. After pre-selection 20 participants from both schools underwent the selection which left 6 participants (3 from E.S Gasiza and 3 from G.S Kacyiru II) for the final phase which was held at G.S Kacyiru II.
G.S Kacyiru II gave a high-spirited welcome to the guests from the Rwanda Governance Board and the local government authorities.
Happening now: PUBLIC SPEAKING FINAL at G.S Kacyiru II at @Gasabo_District …
We kicked it with highest levels of dopamine…
We’rre all charged up😆😆😆😂#RWWPSC2018— Rwanda We Want 🇷🇼 (@rwandawewant) October 24, 2018
Without delay, the first contestant Pauline Umwanankunda took the floor and had identified a problem of culture loss or the fading away of our culture which results from globalization and mimicking the western culture from mass media. As a solution, she came up with a club called: “Komera k’umuco” which aims at restoring and teaching our youth more about our culture through traditional dances and other cultural practices that are fading away.

The second contestant Niwemwali Dorcas who is also the winner of this year’s competition. This young brilliant 13 years old girl expressed her deep concerns about unplanned pregnancies among young girls which is usually caused by lack of information about their reproductive health and she proposed “Utugoroba tw’abakobwa” or Late afternoon girls’ rallies within their respective cells once every week to create awareness of the issue and to eradicate this issue for good.
The school dropout issue was raised by the third contestant Bruno Shema who explained that it’s usually caused by dysfunctional families and poverty within his society. “Helping these families and providing counselling to these kids would be my solutions…” he added. He explained that these kids would never feel safe unless all the issues within their respective families are dealt with.

The fourth contestant Kubwimana Norbert awed the whole audience by his age and by his presentation despite of not taking home the victory because of not having fully answered the judges’ questions. His presentation tackled the issue of road accidents of pupils and students as they move to and from school. He suggested that creation of awareness would be his solution, but failed to satisfy the judges about how he would put it in action.

The fifth contestant Nsabimana Elias also had prepared his presentation about school dropouts and he reckoned that it arises due to poverty and lack of critical thinking, so he suggested creation of awareness and teachings about critical thinking as solutions of this problem.

The sixth contestant Byiringiro Samuel came in strong and was energetic while describing the issue of drug abuse which he showcased as one of the major problem destroying the future of our nation. He explained that it is caused by western media and also the influence of our societies’ idols i.e. singers who make videos smoking marijuana. He proposed to sensitize the youth to use critical thinking and public talks about the negative effects.

After these speeches, the judges; Mr. Jean Claude Muhire, Miss Fiona Muthoni and Mr. Peter Nkotanyi had to take a moment to decide on who was going to win this competition, and in the meantime G.S Kacyiru II had to remind us where we were in a very vibrant way full of smiles and dances.
#RWWPSC2018 In the mean time while the judges are busy before announcing the winner.
DID i mention that we were all charged up😲💥🔥🔥🔥🔥 @Gasabo_District @rulindodistrict @muthoni_fiona @Omar_Ndizeye @NARwanda @GovernanceRw @musirikaredavid @jcmuhire1 @UmulisaRurangwa @rutazig— Rwanda We Want 🇷🇼 (@rwandawewant) October 24, 2018
It’s like they had felt that the victory was going to stay in their arms. Without taking much time, the judges were back and announced the Winner who was Dorcas Fabiola Niwemwali and those who came after her. It was very emotional.

She thanked her head mistress and her mentor Mr. Colbert Rulinda throughout this competition.
Mr. Tristan Murenzi (Chairperson and Executive Chairperson of Rwanda We Want) thanked all the contestants, both schools for having allowed that event to happen and the judges for having spared their time to put their competences in helping to build the Rwanda We Want. He also promised to provide all the support needed by the contestants to run their projects. He immediately welcomed the representative of Gasabo District Mr. David Musirikare who acclaimed the work of Rwanda We Want organization.
He also told the youth that some of the challenges spoken by their colleagues could even be stopped by the youth advising their colleagues against them bad behaviors and where it persists, they collaborate with the authority. Without further delay, he welcomed the guest of honor who was Mr. John Lee Rutazigwa of the Rwanda Governance Board.
In the closing remarks, Mr. John Lee Rutazigwa commended Rwanda We Want organization for engaging the youth in its activities, and also promised his support to put in practice the contestants’ projects through Rwanda We Want organization.
The event ended with a blessing from Fr. Emmanuel Kananga (Director of E.S Gasiza) and a photo as a memento of the event.