Rwanda we want as an organization whose objective is to shape future leaders in various fields through different approaches including apprenticeship, has started a non-schooling program Entitled “Umurage” which will allow the youth to meet different leaders at their workplaces to share with them their work experience, provide advices and guidance and also show them mechanism of a job well done. It was on this Tuesday 21st November 2017 at the headquarters of Haute Baso in Nyarutarama\Kigali city.

The Participants made a tour of the firm through which they were explained how the clothes are produced and also how it contributes to the government program “Made in Rwanda”. Thereafter Haute Baso’s CEO and Founder Linda Ndungutse shared her Experience as a business leader with the students telling them about the origin of the business idea, the obstacles she met along the way, the obstacles she still has to deal with today and how she managed and still manages to deal and overcome them.

After sharing her experience, she took questions from the participants who were very intrigued by her field of work. She was asked different interesting questions including: how one should measure a business risk? And decide whether or not to take it? How one can get people to know of his product without use of the classic expensive methods of advertisement?.
After answering to every question she was asked; she also asked each participant their plans for the future? What passion do they have? And how they see themselves in the future. She concluded her lecture by calling onto participants to add practical knowledge to what they acquire from school.