The youth gain an insight into the work of Rwandan youth volunteers and all it takes to join them through a webinar – Rwanda We Want

The youth gain an insight into the work of Rwandan youth volunteers and all it takes to join them through a webinar

With the support of Rwanda we want organization, ALU model UN, on September 6th, conducted a webinar on the contribution of youth volunteers in the fight against covid-19.
The webinar was also a good time to commend the work of the youth volunteers as it was noted by different speakers throughout the event.

“The webinar was organized for the youth to appreciate, show support and mostly learn from the commendable work of the Rwanda Youth Volunteers in Community Policing (RYVCP) in the fight against Covid-19,” said Allan Muhizi, the president of ALU Model UN, while giving his opening remarks.

The message was reiterated by the Executive Director of Rwanda we want organization, Colbert Rulinda saying that the work of the selfless young boys and girls came in handy when the total lockdown was lifted and the tally of Covid-19 cases of infection was rising.
Furthermore, he added, as we celebrate and show support to the youth volunteers, let’s use this occasion to learn and draw inspiration from their work as we too find ways to contribute in the fight against COVID-19.

The RYVCP members who were present attested that as much as people may think the tasks of Rwandan youth volunteers may be, it’s also a learning opportunity for them that has also helped them in other areas of their lives.
“Being part of the youth volunteers is a challenging but also a learning opportunity,” said the commissioner of training at RYVCP Nyarugenge district, Olivier Ndamukunda adding that it has helped him to learn to take responsibilities, something that helped him to land his current job.
Echoing his colleague, Fida umwali, a member of RYVCP, also noted that it has helped her to learn how to embrace a growth mindset, be organized and disciplined as well as have the spirit of seeking to serve striving to make a difference in her community.

The Secretary General of RYVCP, Eric Bayisenge, expressed his gratitude towards the organizers of the event before noting that such activities boost their morale and pushes the youth volunteers to do more because “being a youth volunteer requires passion, commitment and sacrifice with the goal of developing their motherland.”

The national coordinator of RYVCP, Abdallah Murenzi, welcomed the youth wanting to join the volunteerism and directed them to reach out to the RYVCP coordinators at their sector level.
Since 2013, RYVCP, which currently has 380,000 members, has worked with locals through various interventions sometimes saving the government the burden of heavy expenditures on those activities.
Recently, they have been recognized in the fight against Covid-19 around crowded places reminding citizens about measures to curb the spread of Covid-19. Their latest intervention consists of 9,033 young boys and girls across the country.
