After Three years of its operations, Rwanda we want has successfully completed its activities of the year 2017 with the purpose of creating future leaders. This local N.G.O has achieved its goals through educating and shaping future leaders of this great nation in weekly session with different leaders in different sectors.

This year’s activities have been officially opened by Mr. Raymond Mberabizi Vice mayor in charge of economic development in Gasabo district on 8th February in Glory Secondary School. In this school Rwanda we want held many of its activities including weekly training sessions given by different authorities in all disciplines of governance and leadership. These sessions are based on Rwanda we want motto which is “empower young leaders”

Rwanda We Want also hosted a conference entitled ”Birashoboka” (it is possible)where different Rwandan successful entrepreneurs like Patrick Nsenga Bucyana the Chief Executive officer of AC group, Khalid Nshuti the managing director& owner of Camellia (restaurants) group limited ,Emile Ngaboyisonga Chief Executive officer of Alpha M. Limited and Lieutenant Colonel Fred Karagwe from RwandAir. This conference had the purpose of mentoring the future generation of business leaders about hard work, dream setting and leadership.

Rwanda we want 2017 activities in Gasabo district ended up by the submission of certificates to students who had a minimum attendance of 70% in weekly training sessions.
It is in this year 2017 that Rwanda We Want launched its activities in Rulindo district\Northern Province. This event was held on 13th/Feb/2017 in presence of different officials including the representatives of The Rwanda Defense Forces and the Rwanda National police in Rulindo district ,The director of education in Rulindo District and The vice Mayor in Charge of Social affairs Mrs. Marie Claire Gasanganwa.

In her inaugurating speech Mrs. Gasanganwa highlighted that it is of great value that Rwanda we want has started its activities in that district, she called upon told the students to attend its session even though it is an extracurricular activity but it’s also their responsibility to attend those trainings which will harness them since they are not only leaders of tomorrow but they are also leaders of today.
In this school Rwanda We Want also hosted a conference on memory and trauma entitled,” The role of young leaders in building a post genocide nation and dealing with its consequences.” In this conference, different presentations were made by experts including Mr. Clever Gatabazi, officer In charge of commemoration activities at the National commission for the fight against Genocide (CNLG), and Professor Eugene Rutembesa- Psychologist Psychopathologist, who is also a researcher at the University of Rwanda.

Both Prof. Rutembesa and Gatabazi urged the youth which attended this conference to stand up and deal with consequences of the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi mostly the trans-generational trauma and stand up against Genocide ideology . In this school R.W.W hosted a public speaking competition with the theme “the role of the youth in boosting the socio-economic development of their community” where the winner has been awarded a goat to improve his welfare.
Rwanda we want 2017 activities in Rulindo district ended up by the submission of certificates to students who had a minimum attendance of 70% in weekly training sessions and this event was held in the presence of Mr. Mulindwa Prosper the Vice-Mayor in charge of economic development of Rulindo District.