On 7th November 2018, another chapter in Rwanda We Want’s adventure towards the Rwanda We Want was completed. This adventure comprised of Leadership training sessions, conferences and competitions in G.S Kacyiru II located in Gasabo district.

“I would like to thank RWANDA WE WANT for having chosen us over others, not because we were the best, not because we were the smartest, but because of their determination to set foot in the Rwanda We Want, the Rwanda we all dream of, without leaving anyone behind.” Bruno Shema (the representative of the RWANDA WE WANT club members in G.S Kacyiru II) commenced his speech. “Before they came here, I didn’t even have any thoughts of how would the Rwanda I want, be let alone how my fears were bigger than my dreams, but thanks to Rwanda We Want organization’s sessions and conferences, I was able to open my eyes and have a clear vision of who I want to be, how I dream of Rwanda and my contribution to build the Rwanda We Want depending on my conditions.” He continued, “Giving a small example: I learnt that I may start by pointing out problems in my community and try to find solutions to the problems within my capabilities. If we all did the same, we could sing Te Deum Laudamus for such a quick achievement. Thank you for believing in us and we promise to share this knowledge to our colleagues and young brothers and sisters.” He ended his speech.

He then welcomed Mrs. Jolly Mukase Radegonde, the headmistress of G.S Kacyiru II to give her remarks. She began her speech by expressing the school’s indebtedness to Rwanda We Want organization for having chosen to work with G.S Kacyiru II and for the remarkable work done with the RWANDA WE WANT club members. “You unlocked hidden talents that even us, their teachers had not been able to detect before.” She said. She informed those who had not yet joined RWANDA WE WANT club that they had missed a lot. “Before RWANDA WE WANT came here, students could feel ashamed to say where they study (9years), but now they say it without any problem. All that thanks to Rwanda We Want organization for having taught them that the content learnt matters more than the school name or the location.” She continued. She then said that one can achieve anything (s)he sets his/her heart and energy to and she even urged the RWANDA WE WANT club members to be sharing everything they learnt from RWANDA WE WANT with their colleagues. She lastly requested RWANDA WE WANT to extend their program for another year, for “the baby birds are not yet strong fliers”, and she even committed to making RWANDA WE WANT club an umbrella of all other clubs in the school, and thus the sessions would have to be followed by the whole school rather than the club members only because of the importance and richness of the lessons drawn from them. This suggestion was heartwarmingly welcomed by the students. She then welcomed Mr. Colbert Rulinda (Director of finance and administration in RWANDA WE WANT organization) to give the closing remarks.

Without more ado, Mr. Rulinda began his remarks by thanking Gasabo district for having allowed the organization to work towards achieving the Rwanda We Want and the school of G.S Kacyiru II for having allowed them to work together with ease. He immediately accepted to raise the request for extension of the program during the general assembly and come back with an answer soon. He also thanked enormously the RWANDA WE WANT club members for having shown thirst for knowledge and determination throughout the year.

In the name of RWANDA WE WANT organization, he also promised a follow up and full support of the competition participants’ projects and urged the Rwanda WE WANT club members to share the knowledge gained throughout the year with their friends as part of contributing to build the Rwanda We Want within our means. He also invited them not to miss Rwanda We Want upcoming project which will be complementary to the previous one.
He then proceeded to the awarding of certificates to the school and RWANDA WE WANT club members who completed this year’s training sessions.
Without further ado, a memento was captured and marked the end of the ceremony.