Rwanda We Want organization’s 2018 run-down – Rwanda We Want

Rwanda We Want organization’s 2018 run-down

2018 was a year to remember for various reasons be them good ones or bad ones depending on each person out there, but for Rwanda We Want, every achievement, be it little or big never goes unnoticed, and thus 2018 will be remembered for hitting our target.
Let’s go through a quick recap of 2018.
In 2018, RWW organization focused on business leadership trainings as it was mentioned by the executive chairperson of Rwandawewant, Mr. Tristan Murenzi at the opening ceremony of Rwanda We Want’s activities in 2018. The tools for delivering these business leadership trainings were going to be: Conferences, seminars and weekly sessions.
On 31st March, a seminar is held with the theme: “The importance of the commemoration period and the role of the youth.” This seminar had the goal of educating the youth about Rwanda’s history and the 1994 genocide against Tutsis and how to deal with its consequences. In this seminar the youth were showed their strength as young people and that this strength could be used to build the country of their dreams instead of using their strength to destroy it as some of their peers had done before and during the 1994 genocide against Tutsis.
Weekly sessions followed and they focused on business leadership. These weekly sessions were conducted using the experience based approach where different business moguls in Rwanda were invited to share their experience with the RWW club members but mostly their journey and the challenges they faced on that journey.
On 20th June the 2nd annual conference on the role of young leaders in rebuilding a post-genocide nation and dealing with its consequences was held in Gasabo district. This conference aimed at educating the youth about Genocide and to explain more about the issue of the post-genocide youth being concerned about this history.
After some few months of Rwanda’s history and some business leadership trainings, the youth needed to learn more about our identity before starting to apply ¾ of the lessons they had drawn from business leadership trainings. On 24th August, a conference on national identity “NDi Umunyarwanda” took place in Bugesera district. This conference aimed at explaining in depth why we discuss our identity and the importance of our identity. They were reminded that there is always horrific consenquences when one forgets his/her identity or when one replaces his/her identity by other group/tribe/ethnic label.
After being equipped with all that knowledge, they were sent to their respective communities to study the environment, identify challenges and propose solutions then present them in a public speaking competition which had the theme: “My community, my concern, my solution.” The competition was held in all the schools that have RWW clubs and the final was held in Gasabo district at G.S Kacyiru II. A 13 years old girl, Dorcas Niwemwali was the winner of the competition.
However, Rwanda We Want organization believes that building the Rwanda We want and achieving a sustainable development, requires everyone’s efforts regardless of the amplitude. It is in that regard that in partnership with TUBITEHO Day Center, it organized a which raised 2 Million Rwf which will be used to help in battling with the challenges faced by the center in its day to day activities. This was done to support inclusive education.
