RWW gets a new Vice Chairperson – Rwanda We Want

RWW gets a new Vice Chairperson

Back in 2018, from the day she began to attend RWW activities, Nelly Umulisa Rurangwa has been of huge help to RWW.

Her commitment and savoir-faire made her earn a sit at the board of RWW. Then on Tuesday 13th October, she was unanimously voted to be the vice chairperson of the youthful organization.

Her massive experience will help to further the organization’s activities to new and greater horizons.

The 23 year old is currently a final year student in Clinical Psychology at the University of Rwanda, and has served as the president of the Clinical Psychology Students Association (CPSAR) from November 2017 to December 2018. On top of that, she has two years of experience volunteering in different mental health institutions namely Sana Inititative and Light House. Among other things, she has contributed in organizing two seminars one on Autism and another on peacebuilding.

During her free time, she loves reading books.
