Nelly’s take on the International Women’s day – Rwanda We Want

Nelly’s take on the International Women’s day

On 8th March of every year, the international women’s day is celebrated around the world. This day marks a celebration of social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. On another hand, it’s also an opportunity to reassess and push further towards gender parity.

To every woman or young girl, it has a meaning in their lives and so it does for Nelly Umulisa Rurangwa, the Deputy Chairperson of Rwanda we want organization.

“This day is a reminder that women should have the same opportunities as men and that it is our right not a privilege,” she noted.

Equally, she added, this day acts as a reminder that we should reach out and empower those who are struggling with confidence and believing that they can achieve good things in life.

“Reaching out to those people shouldn’t require massive campaigns but instead let’s empower them through our daily activities and give them more opportunities to showcase their capabilities.”

In regard with this year’s IWD campaign theme “Choose to challenge”, Rurangwa underscored that it’s time for girls to fight the passivity syndrome and actively take part in shaping their lives.

“At a very young age, girls were taught to be at home, be beautiful and that someone is going to love them, and it made them stuck because there was no growth,” said Rurangwa adding that choosing to challenge the status quo means being active in the process of their self growth thus starting to do the work regardless of whether or not they are given a spot to showcase what they can do.

“Let’s not let the passivity syndrome rob the world from seeing our potential,” she noted.

Additionally, Rurangwa pointed out that there should be more women in big positions to become models for the young ones.

“Having more women achieving outstanding things will show the young girl being constantly told she will be a good wife that she has many other options and encourage her to shift her mindset and dream more.”
